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If you find an abandoned dog or cat in San Miguel de Allende, you can count on the Sociedad Protectora de Animales (S.P.A.) for assistance and advice. The S.P.A. is the oldest no-kill shelter in San Miguel. Everyone knows that for more than 44 years, we have been committed to maintaining a refuge for animals who can’t ask for help themselves. Our volunteers help socialize them and prepare them for a life away from the S.P.A. in a home. Thanks to donations from our supporters, our well-respected non-profit organization shelters and finds homes for many of our resident cats and dogs each year. Our on-site clinic and skilled and caring veterinarian provide veterinary services to the public and lower-income families as well as our resident animals. None of this could happen without the financial help we receive from donations.

It is a great time to donate to the S.P.A.
Now, through the end of the year, all new donations to the S.P.A. up to a total of $2,500 USD will be MATCHED!! Any amount you choose will help us continue our work and achieve our goals. All funds received will be used to benefit our animals.

Donations make it possible for us to care for animals like Esther, her three kittens, and Champ.
Esther and babies upon arrival.jpg
Champ was an owner surrender or more like an owner giving up on a dog he had adopted as a three-month-old puppy and kept for four years. Upon arrival at the S.P.A. the second time, Champ was a hulking, growling, frightening dog who couldn’t be touched. Cautiously, one of our workers moved him to our isolation area while we tried to figure out what to do with him. It took him many weeks to decompress as we worked with him daily. Facing him in isolation made him hide. When I sat with my back to him and tossed treats behind me, he cautiously moved forward to take a treat as long as I didn’t turn around. Days later, I sat on steps about 25 feet way and tossed treats to the front of his isolation cage.

For the first time, he came out of the isolation cage and moved to get the treats, but then scurried back to safety. There came a time when he walked up to where I was sitting. I was able to put a collar on him and took a few steps towards the clinic where, more days later, he ultimately was finally examined by the vet. Later, he took a few steps to the street. Still later, a walk on the street.

Champ now has dog friends at the S.P.A. and easily goes for walks, loping slowly like a lion. He’s a volunteer favorite because he is sweet, gentle, and very easy to walk. What a transformation!
Three newborn kittens were abandoned at the S.P.A. The likelihood of them surviving without a mother was slim. It turned out that their mom had been frightened away by a dog in the waiting area of the S.P.A. After we found her, she was so happy to be reunited with her babies. Because we were full at the S.P.A. at that time, our next obstacle was to figure out where to house this family. No foster was available. Miraculously, a woman showed up at the S.P.A.’s doorstep that same day, asking if she could help by fostering a cat. We asked how she felt about fostering a mother cat and three tiny ones and she said yes! Problem resolved. In a few weeks, Esther, and her three sons, Elliot, Eduardo, and Enrique, will be sterilized, vaccinated, and available for adoption.
These are just two examples of what we face every day, year round. We have many tales of animals in need and how the S.P.A. comes to their rescue. Thanks to our hardworking volunteers and staff combined with ever-important donations from supporters like you, we have countless happy endings.

Please help us continue to help them and all our resident cats and dogs by donating to the S.P.A.! Our major expenses are food, medications, vaccines, and litter for our shelter animals; clinic medical supplies, lab costs, and equipment; facility maintenance; cleaning costs for our population of dogs and cats; office supplies; and salaries for our small staff. We do not receive government assistance. It takes the ongoing support of our animal-loving donors to keep us in operation. The cost of caring for all of our animals and the beloved pets of our clients typically exceeds $2 million pesos per year.

Please donate to the S.P.A. today. Any amount you choose will help us continue our work and achieve our goals. All funds received will be used to benefit our animals. Please review the attached form to learn how to make a donation by check, online through PayPal, or by cash payment.

Thank you for becoming a part of our effort to provide a refuge for cats and dogs, regardless of how long it takes to find homes for them.



Donation Information

Address: Los Pinos #7, Col. Lindavista, San Miguel de Allende, GTO, 37736, Mexico | Tel: 415-152-6124 | Hours: M, W, Th, F: 9-3, Tu & Sat: 9-4, Closed Sun.

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